Cantabria, September 2020. On 3rd of september the chemical leaks drills was restarted in Cantabria. The first of the four scheduled drills until october took place in Dynasol (Gajano). It was tested the response capacity of the company and the emergency services in such cases of casualty.
During the entire month of September and the first week of October, the chemical leak drills resume, which have been carried out since July at the SEVESO chemical plants (affected by RD 840/2015), located in Cantabria. The first drill after the August break took place at Dynasol on September 3 and the following will be at Sniace (September 17), Derivados del Flúor (September 24) and the last one will take place on October 1 at Asturiana de Zinc.
In these drills, TEKIA provides support, as technical assistance, to Civil Protection in the organization and execution of the same. In addition, TEKIA is writing reports on each drill carried out, including the conclusions obtained.
With these drills, it is intended to comply with current regulations and work on the response capacity of emergency services in the event of a chemical leak.
Throughout these months, 4 drills have already been carried out: CEPSA GAS LICUADO S.A., ALKION TERMINAL SANTANDER, ADITYA GROUP y SOLVAY QUÍMICA S.L.