Global population growth, hand in hand with social and economic development, centered mainly around cities, has created new urban and interurban mobility needs in modern society.Efficient and sustainable mobility, capable of providing access to key destinations and services, is nowadays considered one of the central tenets in the construction of livable cities. This is why we, at TEKIA, consider mobility management and integrated planning indispensable. In a TEKIA city, our goal is to improve mobility using advanced technology and new management models (Smart Mobility), integrating transport and systems engineering to act upon mobility supply and demand.
Designing smart mobility
TEKIA’s studies are aimed at improving or integrating the use of technology in mobility reform plans (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans - SUMP).
We strive to find better ways to balance the demand for transport of passengers and goods with each transport system’s actual capacity, maximizing its efficiency, discouraging unnecessary use of private vehicles and promoting more effective, healthy and environmentally-friendly means of transport, such as public transport, non-motorized vehicles and new collaborative car-pooling systems to make mobility more efficient from every perspective.
Smart Mobility
TEKIA’s vision of mobility covers the full cycle of the transport project: from engineering and consulting to revenue collection, operations and control, security, communications, user experience, aftermarket services... All of this adds value for the end user in terms of speed, safety and quality, and implies lower costs for everyone involved: operators, users, transport authorities and tech companies.
To this end, TEKIA integrates mobility management processes by consolidating and sharing data on an IoT platform. By using quality data and managing it openly with advanced resources (Open Data, Big Data), we make it possible to improve mobility planning and management and encourage citizen cooperation.
Mobility Performance Indicators (IEM)
A Mobility Performance Indicator includes traffic status quantitative indicators and traffic cost indicators, and is used to assess mobility management. Measuring and obtaining these indicators before and after each action for improvement helps create a balanced scorecard to act as a framework for urban mobility quality control.
TEKIA offers a methodology designed to support transport agencies throughout the entire process of obtaining and managing these indicators, from getting the initial data on site to the definition of objectives, including drafting the terms of possible tenders for potential improvement projects. We also help implement processes designed to ensure continuous improvement of traffic in the city.
Smart Mobility Management
At TEKIA, we know that new smart mobility solutions such as Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are highly valuable to citizens, giving them access to better information, and to public institutions, providing the perfect chance to optimize and improve planning and management, for a more efficient transport system. They also help reduce economic, social and environmental externalities.
If we want to progress toward sustainable and safe mobility through integrated and smart management, we must develop ITS strategies and include them in general plans and strategies for transport, cities and the economy.
Operating Models
Once the mobility objectives are defined for the target area, we define and design ITS solutions that consider not only technical aspects, but also social, economic, institutional and regulatory elements to ensure adequate implementation.We support the institutions in charge of the project throughout the entire planning, development and implementation process. We also provide assessment and continuous improvement mechanisms, offering our insights to enable the necessary coordination between different government agencies, private companies, users and other stakeholders such as civil society.