Traffic management

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TEKIA and Traffic Management

TEKIA is a frequent collaborator of government agencies in charge of road traffic management, helping define strategies and designing national ITS systems architectures and plans for traffic management technology deployment. We also design plans to implement enforcement measures and tolls in national road networks as we shift towards Smart Mobility, which is transforming mobility around the world.

Our contribution in this field materializes in the design of conceptual, technical and operating projects, as well as quality control assistance and contract management to help implement them in national, regional and high-capacity urban roads.

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Visión ZERO or sustainable roads

At TEKIA, our goal is to achieve the Triple Zero Objective proposed by the Spanish State Traffic Office (DGT)—zero emissions, zero congestion, zero casualties. Worldwide, we strive for the sustainability objectives promoted by each national administration, offering solutions based on traffic engineering and in-depth knowledge of new technologies:

Studies, audits and reports on the state of traffic and road assessment (iRAP, measures to improve signaling and transit).
Use of advanced traffic management tools and designs (simulations, open data, big data, IoT…).
Project design for traffic management facilities and systems.
Technical assistance in project management and quality control for traffic management facilities and systems.
Design of national strategies for advanced mobility management in collaboration with international organizations (World Bank, InterAmerican Development Bank).


Technical assistance in the execution of maintenance and operation contracts for the Traffic Information Center in Cataluña (CIVICAT) and maintenance and repair of the road network facilities (Spain)
Circulation, road safety and information management surveys and reports in the Madrid, Southeast Spain and Valladolid Traffic Management Centers (Spain)
Consultancy Services To Develop The Framework For National Traffic And Road Safety Coordination Center (TRSCC)
ITS Diagnosis and Analysis in National Traffic Control Centers (Chile)
Definition of the National ITS Architecture (v2.0) and preliminary design for Regional ITS Architectures in Mexico
Technical Assistance for DGT´s National Radar Deployment Plan (Spain)